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The Viral Dalgona Coffee

Apparently, this is the hottest new trend in town and everyone on TikTok is making it. It has possibly been out for quite a while and given that most of us have more hands our our hands these days, it also means more time to experiment with new food and drinks! I kinda already knew going in that I probably will not like this cos I typically take my coffee without sugar, but decided to give it a whirl anyway. For the gram. Do it for the gram!

Kinda took the shortcut here and used an electric whisk instead of whisking it by hand cos ain't nobody got time for that! The result was a good amount of frothy coffee. You dollop a heap of it in a glass of ice topped with chilled fresh milk. It actually didn't tasted all that bad cos I only added a lil sugar (the original recipe called for 2 teaspoons of sugar). To be honest, I don't quite get the hype other than the fact that it looks pretty cos it resembles squishy whipped caramel clouds, making it absolutely instagrammable - if that in itself is even a legit word in urban dictionary.



2 tablespoons of Instant Coffee
2 teaspoons of Sugar
2 tablespoons of Hot Water


Whisk everything together like your life depends on it!

Have you tried it? I have seen some people making variations of it such as swopping out instant coffee for hot cocoa powder, or matcha etc. Opt for less sugar if you don't fancy yours sweet. It still gets you the same result.


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